
 2022-03-11 22:32:27


摘 要



Literature Review of 'Design of Fruit Harvesting Device Based on Single Fruit Branch Vibration'


Large machinery will cause a high damage rate during the fruit harvesting process. High fruit damage rate is not suitable for fresh fruit market and small forest fruit harvesting. Therefore, it is necessary to design a small forest fruit harvesting machine to meet local forest fruit harvesting needs. In this paper, the feasibility and technical mechanism of a small-scale excitation and recovery device and a vibration isolation and damping device suitable for exciting a single fruit branch are analyzed. At the same time, the current research status and latest progress in related fields at home and abroad are described. Analyze the related research patents collected, and then design the fruit harvesting device based on the single fruit branch vibration that needs to be researched through the innovative combination and modular design of the mechanism; and use software analysis to vibrate the vibration harvesting system The characteristics are optimized to achieve the ideal vibration isolation and damping effect.

Key words: Forest Fruit Harvesting; Excitation vibration; Vibration harvesting; Vibration isolation; Frequency conversion; Mechanical simulation;

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