
 2022-02-20 20:39:53

摘 要




Landscape reconstruction design of

Nanjing Hydrangea Park


With the expansion of urban space and the rapid increase of urban population, the use frequency of old urban parks is getting higher and higher, and the integration and compound of parks and cities are becoming stronger and stronger. However, there are more and more problems and contradictions in the development of urban old parks. Nowadays, the functional area planning of Hydrangea park is weak, the infrastructure is old and dilapidated, the spatial structure is unreasonable, the landscape plants are messy, and the historical remains are not obvious. It has caused a series of problems, such as the lack of capacity, high density of people flow, uneven age distribution and low ornamental.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss and study the landscape transformation of the old parks in the urban area, and optimize the transformation of the park (infrastructure, functional zoning, etc.) and the environment (reasonable arrangement of green plants, water pollution, etc.) through the 'old parks in the city' as the breakthrough point. And create new possibilities under the existing constraints to improve the overall beauty, functionality and utilization of spatial distribution of the park.

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