
 2022-07-05 19:54:21


摘要:瓦雷兹芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)FZB42是一株极具应用价值的植物根际促生菌,本文首先对植物根际促生菌瓦雷兹芽孢杆菌FZB42进行介绍。为了了解芽孢的作用,我们对芽孢的形态结构,繁殖方式,萌发特性以及芽孢生成的相关基因做了一定的深入了解。最后简要介绍了ccdC基因。


Genetic characteristics of ccdC and its role in spore formation of Bacillus ValezensisFZB42

Abstract:Bacillus velezensis FZB42 is a kind of rhizosphere probiotics with great application value. This paper firstly explains the probiotics in rhizosphere of plants, and further discusses the relationship between Bacillus velezensis and the probiotics. In order to understand the role of spores, we have made some in-depth understanding of the morphology, propagation mode, germination characteristics and genes related to spore formation. Bacillus varese FZB42 is similar to bacillus subtilis in gene, and ccdA is necessary for the synthesis of c-type cytochrome. Therefore, based on the understanding of bacillus subtilis, the role of ccdC on bacillus has been greatly helped.

Key words:Bacillus velezensis FZB42, Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, spore, ccdC

  1. 根际促生菌


植物根际存在着大量的有益微生物和土传病原菌,它们能够影响寄主植物的健康和生长。植物根际促生细菌(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, PGPR) 是存在于植物根际的一类重要的有益细菌,一般情况下分为两类:一类是存在于植物根际,根表面或是根表皮层的细胞间隙,这类PGPR 称为胞外根际促生细菌,包括土壤杆菌、固氮菌、芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌等;另一类是固定在植物根部细胞专化的结状组织中,这类PGPR称为胞内根际促生细菌,包括内生菌和弗兰克氏菌。它们在植物根部发挥着重要的生防和促生作用,在没有病原菌存在的情况下,它们能够直接促进植物生长;当病原菌存在的情况下,它们通过抑制土传病原菌来保护寄主植物的正常生长。植物根际促生菌抑制病原菌的机制主要有以下4种:营养和生存位点的竞争、拮抗作用、诱导系统抗性和重寄生。目前研究最广泛的植物根际促生细菌是变形菌门(比如假单胞菌属和伯克氏菌属)和厚壁菌门(比如芽孢杆菌及其相关种属)。


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