
 2022-04-27 20:21:01


摘 要




Research on the Credit Risk of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the New Normal of Economy


Under the new normal of the economy, China#39;s economy is growing rapidly, but at the same time, financial risks are also increasing. In the financial system, small and medium-sized enterprises are an important component. Due to their small scale, poor profitability, insufficient capital turnover, and other reasons, small and medium-sized enterprises have sharply increased their credit risk, which has greatly increased their financial risks. Small and medium-sized enterprises mainly use external financing, that is, relying on credit funds issued by commercial banks to solve their financial problems. This form of financing greatly increases the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises and restricts the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, under the normal state of the new economy, commercial banks#39; credit risk research on small and medium-sized enterprises can not only promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, but also has practical significance for the financial risk management existing in the entire financial system.

This article starts with small and medium-sized enterprises, focuses on the research on credit risk management of small and medium-sized enterprises represented by commercial banks, proposes theoretical concepts such as the new economic normal, small and medium-sized enterprises, and credit risk, and then analyzes the current status of credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises, and finds out the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises. Management problems, analysis of causes, and countermeasures and suggestions are provided, aiming to study how small and medium-sized enterprises can maintain a high-efficiency business development level, stabilize operations and ensure the healthy operation of the market economy under the background of the new economic normal.

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