A Study on the Realtionship between English Majors’ Listening Anxiety and Their TEM4 Listening Performance 英语专业学生听力焦虑与专业四级听力成绩的关系研究文献综述

 2022-01-04 20:36:13



1. IntroductionWith the development of science and technology, international exchanges are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, it requires us to have good language communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. Listening is the premise and foundation for language communication, and it plays a crucial role in the development of English learners comprehensive ability. However, due to the complexity of English learning, English learners are easily affected by some emotional factors, such as motivation, attitude, anxiety, etc. Among all these affective factors, anxiety is regarded as one of the most influential factors. Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to the impact of anxiety on English learning. Many researchers have found that English listening anxiety have great impact on EFL learners. While English majors are also struggling with English listening anxiety especially when they take the exam.TEM-4, as a standardized test for English Majors in Chinas comprehensive universities, is an authorative measurement of students English proficiency. The test covers listening, reading, writing and tranting. In TEM-4, the listening part including dictation and listening comprehension, accounts for 30% of the TEM-4 test paper with a full mark of 100 points. It also attaches great importance to English listening. However, the results of listening test is not desirable.1.1 Need for the studyAt present, many students, parents and some teachers simply attribute their poor listening performance to the lack of listening practice, inattention and vocabulary. Of course, some students are affected by these factors. But in the actual teaching and examination, we find that a large number of students not only have good listening skills, but also have enough practice and vocabulary, but the performance in the exam is worse. This is caused by listening anxiety.Many scholars, such as Horwitz (1986), points out that listening is one of the language skills which is affected mostly by anxiety for foreign language learners. Listening requires listeners to understand the content of materials within a limited time. In the process of listening activities, listeners need to recognize, understand, process, connect and store the sound content they hear in a short time. Therefore, the playback speed of listening materials, the way of expressing auditory content, including segment pauses, pronunciation and intonation habits, etc., will bring varying degrees of anxiety to students participating in listening activities.1.2 Research purposeThere have been many studies on listening anxiety at home and abroad, and many profound conclusions have been drawn through these studies.However, many domestic studies have set the research subjects as non-English majors. For example, Zhang Huiling (2001) selected non-English majors in his investigation of college students English listening anxiety. At the same time, there are many studies that use students CET-4 scores as data for research. Although the CET-4 score can meet the needs of basic listening anxiety-related research, the authenticity and rationality of the TEM-4 score can better evaluate English majors language proficiency. Hence, based on the relevant theoretical knowledge of previous scholars, this study will make a detailed study on the relationship between English listening anxiety and TEM-4 listening performance of students majoring in English.The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between English listening anxiety and students TEM-4 listening performance, and to put forward some suggestions for practical teaching. Specifically, this paper will study the following questions: Firstly, which factors of English listening anxiety have the most significant impact on students listening performance; Secondly, through data analysis, what is the relationship between listening anxiety and listening performance of TEM-4 ; Thirdly, how to make practical guidance for English teaching and listening ability training according to the research findings. Through these studies, the author hopes to provide some suggestions for improving English majors listening ability. 2. Literature review2.1 Definitions of language anxietyLanguage anxiety is a special complex psychological phenomenon in the process of language learning. It is a kind of anxiety related to classroom language learning caused by the uniqueness of language learning process. There is no consensus on the early studies of anxiety and language learning. In the late 1970s, researchers began to classify foreign language anxiety and design measurement tools. Horwitz et al. (1986) defined foreign language anxiety as a kind of obvious anxiety about self-consciousness, beliefs, feelings and behaviors related to classroom language learning caused by the uniqueness of language learning process. Then, foreign language anxiety is divided into oral anxiety, listening anxiety, reading anxiety and writing anxiety. Therefore, the specific concept of listening anxiety comes into the public view.In Foreign language classroom anxiety, Horwitz et al. (1986) redefined foreign language anxiety from the perspective of classroom teaching as a unique combination of self-cognition, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors related to the foreign language learning process and extracurricular learning.Aida (1994) suggested that researchers should further explore the more subtle effects of foreign language anxiety, that was, the correlation between anxiety and the specific process of language acquisition, which included the performance of specific tasks and the cognitive activities before the performance.Since Horwitz, et al. (1986) pointed out that foreign language anxiety was a specific situation anxiety encountered by foreign language learners in the process of learning and developed the foreign language classroom anxiety scale, a large number of studies on foreign language anxiety had shown that foreign language classroom anxiety was significantly negatively correlated with foreign language performance. Most of these studies used course scores as a measure of foreign language achievement. Tobias (1986) established a cognitive model to show that foreign language anxiety had an impact on three stages of language input, processing and output: anxiety hindered the attention and coding of new information in the input phase, hindered the organization and understanding of information in the process of processing, and hindered the retrieval and production of existing knowledge in the output stage.2.2 Empirical researcher on English listening anxiety Wang Wan (2001) believed that foreign language anxiety was a kind of apprehension experienced by individuals who need to use a foreign language but do not have enough mastery. Many researchers have found the relationship between university students listening anxiety and their listening results.Zhou (2009) studied the causes of English classroom listening anxiety and its relationship with CET-4 listening performance. She collected the CET scores of 105 English majors in a university in Chongqing and the data of a questionnaire survey on their listening anxiety. She found that 71% of the students in the experiment were in a state of moderate to high listening anxiety. Through analysis, the causes of listening anxiety include internal and external causes. Internal factors include self-awareness of listening level and learners listening strategies, while external factors include classroom activities and listening materials.Zhan Wang (2010) found that English listening anxiety was not significantly related to gender, major and English learning years by studying the relationship between English listening anxiety and CET-4 scores. In an empirical study on the factors of English listening anxiety among college non-English majors, Liu Zhang (2011) randomly selected 152 non-English majors for investigation. After questionnaire surveys, group interviews, and data analysis, they found that the two factors, fear of speaking English and fear of asking questions in class, reflected the difficulty of speaking up when Chinese college students were learning English. It also revealed that the lack of self-confidence, fear of teacherserror correction and the negative evaluation were the main reason for the listening anxiety of the tested students.Through a survey of English listening anxiety among some non-language major students of Nanchang University, Zhang (2013) found that the following points were the main reasons affecting college students listening anxiety. These factors include insufficient self-confidence of students, insufficient listening and speaking training time, the lack of solid knowledge, and the lack of background knowledge of English culture, the high difficulty of listening and speaking of teaching materials.Chen (2014) analyzed the correlation between non-language students listening performance and listening anxiety. The results show that there is a negative correlation between listening anxiety and listening performance, a positive correlation between facilitation anxiety and listening performance, and a negative correlation between hindrance anxiety and listening performance.Through the above research, the author finds that most researchers at present are focusing on non-English majors. Overall, although these research conclusions are convincible, some of the conclusions and factors cannot be used to explain the situation of English majors. So the author chooses English majors as the subjects in this research to explore the relationship between students listening anxiety and their listening performance.ReferencesAida,Y. (1994) . Examination of Horwitz, Horwitz and Copes construct of foreign language anxiety: The case of students of Japanese. The modern language journal, 78(2), 155-168.Horwitz, E. K.,Cheng, Y., 国外相关研究概述,《外语教学与研究》33(2):122-126。

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