
 2022-03-11 22:39:14

摘 要


关键词:学龄前儿童 绘画 皮亚杰 罗恩菲尔德


Any family with children will inevitably encounter such a situation. Children always like to scribble on the wall, and repeat for many times. Even if he was given drawing paper and drawing board, he always prefers the wall. In the past, many parents would stop this kind of behavior. But now as we gradually understand that children#39;s early painting is very important to their intellectual development, more and more parents begin to try to protect their children#39;s imagination and creativity. Besides, the expression and demand of children#39;s graffiti in each stage of growth are different. At present, the product design for children#39;s graffiti in the market does not have the pertinence of each age stage, so many parents are willing to spare no effort and do not know how to really cultivate children#39;s painting expression. Therefore, I specially studied the relevant literature about children#39;s art education at home and abroad, mainly based on Piaget#39;s theory of children#39;s cognition and Ron field#39;s theory of children#39;s art education.

Keywords:preschool children drawing Jean Piaget

Victor Lowenfeld

1 学龄前儿童认知发展理论

皮亚杰把儿童心理大致分为四个阶段 。分别是感知运动阶段(0-2岁)、前运算思维阶段(2-7岁)、具体运算阶段(7-11岁)及形式运算阶段(11-15岁)。

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