
 2022-03-11 22:38:48

摘 要




Humanrsquo;s growing and learning always be accompanied by games or toys since their childhood,These game devices bring entertainment to children while also allowing them to learn new knowledge according to their own psychological needs, to broaden their horizons, and thus to make emotional intelligence, intelligence and other aspects of development. Interactive products focus on the combination of modern science and technology, into the experience of the economic era of interactive children#39;s toys, more attention to the 'toy-child-environment' relationship. After the research of the current situation of the toy market at home and abroad and the research of product classification, we can also see the development trend of the whole market. The basic feature of traditional Chinese toys is its inheritance and stability. In the development of their own innovation and change, this study mainly focuses on the combination of traditional folk toys and cutting-edge technology, through innovative design to find a better way to develop traditional toys.

Keywords:Folk Toys; Chinese Tradition; Interactive design; Interactive design

  1. 研究的目的及意义




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