
 2022-03-11 22:38:35


摘 要:自工业革命以来,由于人类对资源环境肆意开发与浪费,自然界遭受到了极大的破坏,生态系统的平衡被打破,人类的生存与发展遭遇到了前所未有的挑战。家具作为一种人们生活不可缺少的器具,必然要顺应当前社会的潮流和方向,在经济水平,技术条件允许的范围内,采用一些绿色的材料、工艺等制造或设计方法,以达到环保要求。著名的斯堪的纳维亚风格的家具注重现代设计与民族传统相融合,具有自然、简约、优雅的设计特点,注重以人为本,善于将自然与人的需求相结合,设计出了许多的经典家具。研究将对绿色制造、绿色设计和斯堪的纳维亚风格进行深入了解,捋清其发展脉络,探究其发展趋势,将绿色材料、工艺等合理融合,设计出既满足高质量、美观、舒适等基本要求,又符合绿色可持续发展趋势的创新型家具。对绿色制造及斯堪的纳维亚风格的家具设计的研究,可以进一步完善家具制造及设计体系,同时还能为相关的研究人员和组织及企业管理人员提供参考,为家具产业的可持续发展提供一些建议。


Furniture design

Based on Scandinavian style and green manufacturing

Abstract:Since the industrial revolution, due to the wanton development and waste of resources and environment, the nature has been greatly damaged, the balance of the ecosystem has been broken, and the survival and development of human beings have encountered unprecedented challenges. As an indispensable tool for people#39;s life, furniture must conform to the current trend and direction of the society, and adopt some green materials, processes and other manufacturing or design methods within the scope of economic level and technical conditions, so as to meet the requirements of environmental protection. The famous Scandinavian style furniture pays attention to the integration of modern design and national tradition, has the design characteristics of nature, simplicity and elegance, pays attention to people-oriented, is good at combining the needs of nature and people, and designs many classic furniture. The research will make a deep understanding of green manufacturing, green design and Scandinavian style, clarify its development context, explore its development trend, and reasonably integrate green materials and processes to design innovative furniture that not only meets the basic requirements of high quality, beauty and comfort, but also conforms to the trend of green sustainable development. The research on green manufacturing and Scandinavian style furniture design can further improve the furniture manufacturing and design system, at the same time, it can provide reference for relevant researchers, organizations and enterprise managers, and provide some suggestions for the sustainable development of furniture industry.

Key words:Green manufacturing, Green design, Scandinavia, Green materials, Green technology

1 研究的目的及意义


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