
 2022-06-28 11:06

摘要:有关绿道(Greenway)的理论及应用目前是全世界城市规划、生态保护等领域研究的热点问题之一。自1867 年奥姆斯特德提出“公园系统论”开始,经过100多年的发展,国外绿道的理论研究已由单一的景观设计学发展成为综合性的多学科交叉,相关的绿道建设也逐步由单一的线形游憩空间转变成为多功能多层次的复合型网络系统,从而使其成为解决当代生态问题及社会问题的重要手段。进入21世纪后,世界各地的绿道研究与建设方兴未艾。绿道在中国作为舶来品,传入时间相对较晚,理论基础较为薄弱。近年来国内一-些省市在未对国外的绿道理论进行深入研究与本地化改造的前提下,照搬国外的规划方式、建设途径等,在各地进行了大规模的普适性建设,故其建设内容的科学性与合理性有待深入的探讨和研究。


Abstract: the theory and application of Greenway is one of the hot topics in urban planning and ecological protection. Since 1867, olmsted put forward 'the park system theory', after more than 100 years of development, the theoretical research of foreign green way is not the single landscape design study developed into a comprehensive multidisciplinary cross, related the greenway construction also gradually by a single linear leisure space into a multi-functional multi-level complex network system, making it become the important means to solve the problem of contemporary ecological problems and the social. After entering the 21st century, greenway research and construction around the world are in the ascendant. Greenway in China as an import, introduced into the time is relatively late, the theoretical basis is relatively weak. In recent years, some provinces and cities in China have carried out large-scale universal construction by copying foreign planning methods and construction approaches without in-depth study and localization transformation of foreign greenway theories. Therefore, the scientificity and rationality of the construction contents need to be further discussed and studied.

Key words: greenway design; Ma an shan quarry river; Riverside landscape



马鞍山市地处长江中下游冲积平原的芜湖一马鞍山丘陵水网平原区,地势较平缓,东北部丘陵区属江苏宁镇山脉余脉延伸部分,丘陵西南部为广阔平原,东南部丹阳湖、石臼湖一带为湖积平原。马鞍山市地处亚热带北部,属于北亚热带季风性湿润气候,四季分明,季风显著,温和湿润,梅雨集中。马鞍山市横跨长江两岸,长江马鞍山段为长江下游干流的一部分。马鞍山市生物种类丰富,景观生态多样,森林覆盖率为10.43%,城区绿化覆盖率达43.2%。2011 年8月22日,原地级市巢湖市所辖含山县、和县(不含沈巷镇)划归马鞍山市管辖。2012 年,撤销金家庄区、花山区,设立新的花山区;设立博望区,将当涂县博望、丹阳、新市3个镇划归博望区管辖。区划调整后的马鞍山市,横跨长江两岸,辖花山、雨山、博望3区,含山、和县、当涂3县,市域总面积从1686平方公里增加为4049平方公里。

马鞍山市一直高度重视城市园林绿化工作,1996 年马鞍山市成为第三批“国家园林城市',是首个获此殊荣的重工业城市。马鞍山市在创建巩固和发展业已取得的'国家园林城市”成果的基础上,重视并完成了三次城市绿地系统规划编制工作,为建成国家生态园林城市提供蓝图和基础。


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