
 2022-07-23 15:09:17





Literature review of working head design of tree cutting machine

Abstract:Forestry is the basic industry of a country and an important part of national economy. Developed forestry is one of the important symbols of national prosperity, national prosperity and social civilization. However, compared with the forestry developed countries, China#39;s forestry mechanization and automation level is quite low. However, compared with the forestry developed countries, China#39;s forestry mechanization and automation level is quite low. The shortage of forest resources in our country, although the forest tending engineering more and more have strong support from countries, regional government, however, Europe and the United States logging is not suitable for our country#39;s cradle cut head, domestic cradle cut tool function of a single, low efficiency. In addition, there are very few patents in the current domestic forest. Therefore, it is of great significance to design a multi-functional forest felling head that is suitable for forest in our country.

Trees joint cutting machine is a kind of multi-functional, high automation, high efficiency of forest tree cutting machine, the working head as its important part will be directly related to the scope of its operation, precision and efficiency. According to the supporting form, the felling machine is basically divided into two categories, namely, to produce logs directly in the cutting area, namely, to complete logging, twigs, materials, cuttings, and homing operations next to the tree. The other type is to produce logs in the cutting area, that is, to complete the logging by the side of the tree, and to finish the shoot, the material, the truncation and the return or loading operation in the cutting area, which is called the original combination machine. However, according to the different way of walking, the cutting machine can be divided into wheel type, crawler and walking type. The cutting head is the most important part of the felling machine. It is connected to the front end of the mechanical arm through a hydraulic motor. It has the functions of cutting wood, cutting branches, measuring materials, making materials and returning to the ground. The cutting head structure is mainly composed of rotary motor, cutting knife, ranging roller, driving roller, sawing mechanism and clamping mechanism.

Key words: Forestry machinery;Tree cutting machine;Work first


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