
 2021-11-24 22:28:39

摘 要



Summary for Positive Pressure Air Flow Uniform Device of Particleboard Airflow Paver


Since the reform and development, the forest industry has been developed rapidly, whether it is the level of production technology and equipment, or the quality of products, have been significantly improved. However, the overall level of its development and the developmence of the national economy is still very unsuitable, compared with the developed countries in the same industry there is still a big gap, and particleboard airflow paving machine as a novel, efficient production of particleboard wood machinery, with easy operation and use, high production efficiency, high application efficiency of shavings, the production of slab high quality characteristics. Foreign to the Particleboard airflow paving machine; design is very early, the starting point and level are high, the whole machine generally has the advantages of high power and easy to operate, and now has a mature series of products. Compared with foreign products, China#39;s particleboard installation reliability is not ideal, and the production of slab quality is not high, in the process of use of the whole machine#39;s work efficiency has yet to be improved. At present, there is a common problem in the technology of particleboard paving at home and abroad, and the airflow stability in the air flow packing box can not reach a very ideal state, so it is necessary to optimize the design of the uniform device of the positive pressure air volume of the particleboard airflow paving machine.

Key Words:Airflow paver; Uniform device; Particleboard

  1. 研究的目的及意义



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