A Study on the Realtionship among English Majors’ Listening Anxiety, Listening Self-efficacy and Their Listening Performance 英语专业学生听力焦虑、听力自我效能感和听力成绩的关系研究文献综述

 2022-01-04 20:32:54



With the development of globalization, English plays a more and more important role in our social and economic life. China has nearly one-fourth of the population in the world. With more and more frequent communication with the outside world, the ability to use English has become increasingly important. The question of how to learn English more effectively attracts the attention of both English teachers and learners.In China, English is an important part in compulsory education. Listening, as one of the basic skills in language acquisition, occupies irreplaceable place in the process of language learning. It has always been regarded as an essential part in learning process. For junior high school students, listening is especially a major channel to obtain language input and to acquire the language. Thus it is often regarded as a foundation of other language skills. Excellent listening performance contributes to successful communication.However, foreign language listening English is multifaceted and complicated. Students have a lot of differences in their listening. Among the factors resulting in individual differences in listening, the influence of emotional factors should not be ignored. Bandura (1977) firstly states that students who have high degree of self-efficacy express higher academic aspirations and pursuits than students with low degree of self-efficacy. Students with high degree of self-efficacy are apt to spend more time on academic assignment and exert more efforts in face of difficulty in the learning process. Indeed, individuals beliefs in their capabilities to perform a task determine the efforts and engagement they exert on the task, because the students perception of efficacy affects the choices they make, the challenges they choose, the efforts they exert when they confront difficulties (Pajare anxiety poses several potential problems for the students of a foreign language because it can interfere with the acquisition, retention, and production of the new language. In addition, listening anxiety can hinder listening achievement because language listening needs a relatively intense cognitive activity while language anxiety affects cognitive processes and results in distraction. Bergoon (1983) stated that apprehension of communication varied according to the mode of communication.Since the 1980s, researches on foreign language anxiety have been shifted to theanxiety concerning specific language skills such as listening anxiety (Vogely,1998);reading anxiety (Saito, Horwitz speaking anxiety (Kitan, 2001) and writing anxiety ( Cheng, Horwitz Schallert, 1999). Among these anxieties, listening anxiety might be the most anxiety-provoking and problematic (Horwitz, Horwitz Cope, 1986). Therefore it is necessary for us to fully study the students self-efficacy and listening anxiety in their listening process.

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