
 2021-12-30 20:43:26



An Analysis of Female Values in the 2019 Film Little Women浅析2019版电影《小妇人》中的女性价值观1. Introduction1.1 The author and the creative background of the novelLittle Women is a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1868 by an American female writer, Louisa May Alcott, who was born in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1832. Like Jo in the novel, she was the second daughter. Louisa's father was Amos Bronson Alcott. Amos Alcott had not received formal education when he was young. After failing as a salesman, he got a job as a teacher. From then on, Amos devoted all his life to the cause of education reform. However, Louisa's father's teaching career was poor, leading to financial difficulties for the whole family. The burden of livelihood had to fall on his wife and his enterprising second daughter, Louisa Alcott. Influenced by the feminism of the transcendentalists around her, as well as the poverty of her family, Louisa was independent since she was a teenager. She did not think that a woman's happy ending must be marrying a rich man, but to rely on their own. Louisa went out to work at an early age, not only supporting herself independently, but also to subsidize her family. She has worked as a caregiver, a babysitter, a laundry worker, a seamstress, a tutor, etc., and continues her dream of writing in her spare time.During the 1860s, a significant change in American society was that more and more women began to break away from the traditional constraints of the family and become involved in social and political life. With the rise of female consciousness, many female writers began to write novels, which attracted wide attention from the public. In 1868, a publisher suggested Louisa write a book about girls. As a result, with her family life as the prototype, Louisa wrote this book in only two and a half months. Louisa not only described the characters with courage and foresight, but also challenged the traditional constraints imposed on women. Since its publication, the novel has become a hit, with dozens of translations and hundreds of millions of copies sold all over the world. And Louisa became famous for it. Influenced by Emerson, the great thinker at that time, the novel emphasizes the concept of personal dignity and self-reliance and self-discipline. The content is plain but exquisite and the implication is profound. Later, she continued to write novels and stories, and became active in the woman's voting movement and the temperance movement, fighting for better working conditions for women.1.1.2 The director and background of the filmGreta Celeste Gerwig is one of the most influential female directors in Hollywood in recent years. Her style is outstanding, and her work is always focused on exploring the troubles of young women. In 2017, she was nominated for Best Director for Lady Bird, and in 2019 for Little Women. In this movie, Geweig is a director and writer. Different from the linear narrative structure adapted from the original works and movies, Geweig has adopted a double cross narrative structure in the film, which interweaves the lives of four young women in adolescence and adulthood, and reshapes Amy, who is already somewhat unpopular, to become the most important role outside Joe. The film depicts Meg and Beth more delicately and with characteristics. Director Greta pays more attention to the social experience of the four sisters when they grow up. Through their choices and environment, Greta reveals her feminist position and injects modern pioneer consciousness into this classic literary work. 1.2 The main content of the novelThe background of the novel is mainly based on Alcott's personal experience in Concord, Massachusetts as a child. Set in the American Civil War, this novel tells the story of four sisters growing up in an ordinary family in New England. Little Woman is a semi-autobiographical novel, focusing on female roles and emphasizing female consciousness. In this paper, we pay attention to the expression of female consciousness and promote good quality. The female images in Little Women have their own ideals and beliefs: Meg is the eldest daughter of the March family, shouldering the responsibility of helping her mother take care of her family and longing for a wonderful marriage; Joe wants to be a writer. She is the most typical representative of feminism in this novel. Her behavior and personal preferences are contrary to the traditional interpretation of women. Beth is very shy and has a dream of music. I dreams of becoming a world-class artist. Even after her marriage, she does not regard her family as her whole life, but continues to pursue her artistic dream. The story tells about the years when these four women grew up from girls to young women, and their unruly love experiences and their pursuit of different ideals and destinations. They are independent, self-disciplined and brave in pursuing their dreams, which embodies Louisa's advanced feminist thoughts. Their views on marriage and love, outlook on life, life choices, etc. Still have profound thoughts and inspirations for today's women. 1.3 Need of the studyThe influence of the times on individuals is always deep-rooted. Little Woman, an autobiographical novel by Louisa May Alcott, was written at the end of American Civil War, at the turn of the old and the new, and it was also a period of vigorous development of feminist movement, which naturally bears the deep imprint of the times. It preaches the fraternity of religious spirit, praises the loyalty and happiness of families, and calls for woman's pursuit of independence. In American society more than 100 years ago, this undoubtedly represented the awakening of woman's self-determination at that time. Even for today's readers, the novel is still thought-provoking. However, the author's thoughts are still subject to traditional ideas, and to some extent, she still supports some views of traditional women. A good example is that, after marriage, Joe became her husband's right-hand man, instead of the new female representative who pursued independence and career. From this point of view, the female consciousness in the works is limited by the times.In the 2019 film version, the director made a new adaptation of the limitations of the original work. This new film not only reflects woman's resistance to traditional male-dominated social rules in the 19th century, but also truly and effectively expresses the aspirations of contemporary female filmmakers. As a microcosm of social reality, movies carry the power and responsibility that influence social values. In any era, the full and passionate feelings of little women are so precious. What's more, the film doesn't promote the value of "women can do anything", and it doesn't exaggerate woman's abilities and strengths. Compared with all-around heroines, these four girls are real little women, whose hearts are respected. Each of them grow up freely with their own choices.On the one hand, this paper aims to make a comparative analysis between the original and the 2019 film version of Little Woman, trying to explore the changes in contemporary woman's values and the practical significance of the film, so as to enrich the research materials in the future. On the other hand, this paper hopes to show the unique personality and female values of the four little women, and encourage contemporary women to break through prejudice and constraints and bravely pursue their own freedom, independence, career and love.2. Literature review2.1 The rise of feminismWestern feminism originated in Europe in the 19th century. At that time, Europe was in a period of profound social change. The industrial Revolution promoted social progress and emancipated people's minds. Therefore, women began to seek the same political rights as men, which gave rise to the feminist movement.Feminists questioned the traditional form of patriarchal society, rebelled and criticized the phenomenon of unfair treatment of women in patriarchal society, and emphasized the contribution of women to the society. In this period, social activity scholars put forward the concept of female social value, affirming female contribution to society and hoping that women could participate more in social activities, so that their social status would be improved and they would be qualified to enjoy the same rights as men.2.2 The influence of feminism on literary worksThanks to the promotion of feminist trend, many writers, especially female writers, began to present female humanistic care and female self-consciousness in their own creation. The mutual recognition and independent thinking among social activists, writers and readers promoted the progress of female consciousness movement, forming a good cycle, and changing the atmosphere of social formation. Little Women was created in this context.The American society in the 1860s considered that traditional women were boundly attached to the lifestyle and values of men. At that time, female individuals were not widely recognized by the mainstream society, and women could only change their social status through marriage, which was the only way accepted by the whole society, so that women had to rely on their husbands and were always in a humble subordinate position in the family and society. Meanwhile, women were supposed to follow the values and ethics set by the patriarchal society without social rights. Under the influence of the feminist movement, an increasing number of women began to get rid of the shackles of the traditional family and gradually put themselves into social and political life. Louisa May Alcott, as a forerunner of American writers, wrote Little Women with courage and foresight, challenging the traditional restrictions imposed on women. She did not think that women were the accessory of men and hoped to arouse women's awakening through the creation of novels and encourage women to show their unique individuality and gain freedom in life.2.3 Previous studies on Little WomenThere are many scholars who throw some light on the feminist interpretation of Little Women. Many researches are conducted from the perspective of feminist and cultural perspectives, biblical archetypes, Puritanism and transcendentalism and so on.Han (2019) believes that, compared with Pride and Prejudice, readers are able to find that different personalities reflect different values and outlook on life. Tang (2020) considers that Alcott showed us the factors influencing harmonious family life and made readers deeply realize that harmonious family life is the source of human happiness. Sun Zhu (2020) praised Alcott's independent spirit on the basis of openly resisting traditional marriage in the interpretation of little women from the perspective of feminism, but criticized the idea that women should bear the main responsibility of family.All in all, most of the previous studies take advantages of different excellent theories to analyze the relevant content of Little Women. However, with the development of the times, the female values and characteristics of Little Women are constantly being reinterpreted, so that this study combines the original work with the new adapted film of 2019 to explore the emerging changes of the mainstream values of contemporary women in the film and the reasons accounting for such new adaptions.Outline1.Introduction1.1 Research background1.1.1The author and creative background of the novel1.1.2 The director and background of the film1.2 The main content of the novel1.3 Need of the study2. Literature Review2.1 The rise of feminism2.2 The influence of feminism on literary works2.3 Previous studies on Little Women3. Female Values in the Movie3.1 Woman's pursuit of love 3.2 Woman's pursuit of career3.3 Woman's pursuit of kinship3.4 Woman's pursuit of wealth4.The Innovation in the Movie4.1 The change of Jo's choice4.2 The change of Amy's image5. Conclusion ReferencesAdams, L. (2018). Fiction vs. Reality: Discovering the Real Little Women at Louisa May Alcotts Orchard House. Journal of Museum Education,26, 28-41.Edelstein, S, (2015). Little Womens Literary Lessons. A Journal of American Women Writers, 31(3), 371-405.Eiselein 梅奥尔科特(1868),《小妇人》(Little Women),刘春英、陈玉立等译校。


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