Marian’s Dilemma as The Other: A Postmodern Feminism Analysis of The Edible Woman文献综述

 2021-12-28 21:40:35




1.1Research background

This paper uses post-modern feminist theory based on Foucault's ideological system to illustrate the theme of The Edible Womanresisting patriarchal power in the discourse field focusing on female body, with the purpose of exploring the subjectivity of women.

1.2Research purposes

This paper will illustrate the dual meanings of The Edible Womanfrom three perspectives of discipline, punishment, and self-monitoring: on the one hand, it reveals the patriarchys process of shaping and taming women through physical means; on the other hand, it provides the possibility for women to seek subjectivity through the body in existing power relations by Marians escape and resistance.

2.Literature review

Margaret Atwood is a well-known Canadian female writer. Her works are mostly about the survival difficulties of women. Therefore, Atwood is considered by many scholars as a feminist writer. The Edible Womanis Atwood's first published novel that describes the predicament faced by Canadian intellectual women in the early 1960s.

Since the publication of The Edible Womanin 1969, many scholars at home and abroad have conducted various studies.

Domestic scholars mainly use the theories of ecologism and ecofeminism to analyze The Edible Woman.

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