
 2022-03-18 21:35:36


摘要 竹材作为可再生资源,是建筑行业的理想材料。随着社会经济的发展、科学技术的进步、国家政策的推动,全生命周期均可实现与生态环境协调共存的竹结构是未来发展方向之一。现代竹结构是一种新型的结构体系,相比于钢结构和混凝土结构体系,其最大的不同在于采用竹材作为原材料,更加低碳、环保。随着现代竹结构逐渐成为新的热点,竹结构建筑的防火问题变得尤为重要。基于国内外现有研究成果,对竹材和竹结构受火时的变化进行总结;把国内外学者对竹材、整体竹结构进行的抗火性能分析及试验情况做了归纳;针对竹结构的防火设计予以讨论;对目前竹结构建筑施工时防火处理做法进行探讨;根据我国竹结构建筑防火现状,对今后的防火研究重点做出展望。

关键词 竹材;竹结构;抗火性能;防火处理;研究现状

Review and prospect for fire resistance and fire protection design of bamboo structures

Abstract As a renewable resource, bamboo is an ideal material for the construction industry. With the development of social economy, the progress of science and technology, and the promotion of national policy, the bamboo structure which can coexist harmoniously with the ecological environment in the whole life cycle is one of the future development directions. Modern bamboo structure is a new type of structure system. Compared with steel structure and concrete structure system, the biggest difference lies in the use of bamboo as raw material, more low carbon and environmental protection. With modern bamboo structure gradually being a new hot spot, fire safety problem of bamboo construction is particularly important. Based on existing research results both at home and abroad, the changes of bamboo and bamboo structure under fire were summarized. The domestic and international research of the fire resistance of bamboo and bamboo structure were analyzed, the design of bamboo structure was discussed. The fireproof treatment in construction state was explored. Contraposing the status quo of Chinese bamboo structure fire resistance, it was raised further research priorities and prospects for the future development were made.

Key words bamboo; bamboo structure; fire resistance; fireproof treatment; research status



1 国内外竹结构抗火研究

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