
 2022-03-11 21:42:41


摘 要



Research on the Adaptability of Custom

Bathroom Furniture


Bathroom space, as a more functional and high-use space in the home, occupies a relatively important position in the whole house. With the trend of customizing the whole house in recent years, the design of the bathroom space has gradually received attention. Compared with relative independence, there is no uniformity with the style of the whole house. Not only that, with the industrialization of residential buildings becoming the inevitable trend of the domestic real estate industry, the existing finely decorated houses cannot meet people#39;s increasing individual needs. In order to alleviate the conflict between residential industrialization and individual needs, this article focuses on the adaptability of custom bathroom furniture in finely decorated houses, focusing on analyzing the design methods of finely decorated bathrooms through case analysis of finely decorated bathrooms. Research on custom bathroom furniture and bathroom space design, especially the design of bathroom storage space, explore the integration of custom bathroom furniture and refined decoration rooms, and provide a theoretical method for rationalizing the design of refined decoration houses under the industrialization of housing. The furniture design of the bathroom space can also be used for reference.

Key words: Custom bathroom furniture; furniture adaptability; fine decoration




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