
 2021-12-06 08:12




Summary of Designing and Manufacturing of Dining Table

Abstract:Faced with the shortage of living space per capita in China, we can use retractable table to improve space utilization ratio. In the design of the retractable table, the following ways can be consulted: in the design, the traditional furniture design idea and the modern design thought are combined, and the design principle of the multi-function furniture is consulted, and the computer aided design software is used to carry on the design. The wood with good quality and low cost is chosen in the manufacture of dining table. The computer aided manufacturing software is used to process the table, and the hardware with humanization and long life is selected for the table.

Keywords: Shrinkable dining table;design;manufacturing technology;Multifunctional Furniture

1 家具的设计思想

1.1 传统家具设计思想在现代的运用

家具是人类生活中一种不可缺少的用具,在人类生活、工作或实际中提供了坐、卧或支撑与贮存物品的一类器具。在历史上有两个因素影响了家具设计大发展,一个因素体现在产品的物理层面, 如造型、材料、工艺技术、生产方式等;另一个因素体现在产品所蕴涵的深层价值, 如社会性、文化性、民族性、宗教信仰、地域特征、意识形态、生活方式等[1]。在秦朝时人们习惯席地而坐,家具普遍造型低矮,聚餐时习惯分桌。明清时出现造型大气的豪华家具。

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