
 2022-08-10 02:08



随着大型带式传送机的发展, 带式传送机的设计要求提高。对其升级、使用、管理、维护也成为了一个需要深入研究学习的话题。带式传送机的基本框架是托辊支架机架和支撑腿、无极输送带围绕驱动鼓筒的头部和尾部形成封闭结构。近年来人们对带式输送机进行了大量的研究工作, 其中驱动方式是关键, 而驱动方式选定的目的主要是为了降低输送带的张力, 改善传动性能, 从而降低投资成本。随着科技的不断发展, 自动化生产的水平会不断提高, 目前普通的带式输送机应用较为广泛。但随着科技的不断发展, 带式输送机技术也要不断进步, 这样才能保证生产水平稳健提升。由于国内绝大多数学生食堂仍不仅将大量人力消耗于饭菜制作,还不得不消耗部分人力于餐盘的发放与回收上,在新时代新科技新技术的要求于支持下,诞生了学生食堂餐盘传送机这样一个新的设计。带式输送机要在发展中扩大使用范围, 提高使用性能。同时, 要响应国家节能减排的号召, 在最大程度上降低能耗, 减少污染排放。

关键词: 学生食堂;餐盘;带式传送机;发展和研究现状;无级变速;设计研究。


A problem of design of rotary transfer machines with turrets is considered. Operations are partitioned into groups which are performed by spindle heads or by turrets. Constraints related to the design of spindle heads, turrets, and working positions, as well as precedence constraints related to operations, are given. The problem consists in minimizing the estimated cost of the transfer machine, while reaching a given cycle time and satisfying all constraints. The proposed method to solve the problem is based on its reduction to a constrained shortest path problem. An industrial example is presented.

The value of technology and the appropriate form of transfer arrangement are important questions to be resolved when transferring technology between Western manufacturing firms and partners in industrialising and developing countries. This article reports on surveys carried out in the machine tool industries in the UK and China to establish the differences and similarities between owners and acquirers of technology regarding the relative importance of the factors they evaluate, and the assessments they make, when considering a technology transfer. It also outlines the development of a framework for technology valuation.

英文关键词 rotary transfer machines;industrial example;machine tools;technology transfer.


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