
 2022-03-15 20:23:35




关键词:springboot 人力资源管理 Mybatis Vue
THEME: Human Resource Manage System

Abstract: The Internet era has come, in this era of rapid development, enterprise digital informatization has become an inevitable trend. In this trend, the human resource management system emerges at the historic moment. Human resource management system, with its unified data management and convenient operation, stands out among many systems and has become one of the indispensable systems for various enterprises. Human resource management system by virtue of its more and more humanized design, simple operation in all walks of life popularity. The Spring framework can configure and compose simple components into complex applications, which can be seen as an enterprise solution-level framework. Spring Boot simplifies Spring configuration, automates it, combines necessities such as application context and an automatically configured embedded Web server, and securely deployments the entire microservice architecture to the server. In this paper, SpringBoot technology, MyBatis, Vue framework technology will be combined to build a human resource management system based on SpringBoot, in order to meet the actual needs of the current enterprise human resource management. By analyzing the status quo of human resource management in domestic enterprises, the development status of human resource management system in China and the differences between domestic and foreign human resource management systems, this paper puts forward the research objectives and contents of human resource management system based on SpringBoot.

Keywords:Springboot Human Resource Management Mybatis Vue




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