
 2022-03-15 20:23:47

基于Spring Boot企业客户信息管理系统

摘要:伴随着时代社会的进步和计算机科学技术的兴旺发展,一个优秀简洁的管理系统不仅能够给客户的日常生活带来很大的便利,在很大程度上还可以提升企业各方面的效率,实现良性发展。Spring Boot是由Pivotal团队在2013年开始研发,2014年4月发布的第一个版本的全新开源的轻量级框架。它不仅继承了Spring框架原有的优秀特性,而且还通过简化配置来进一步简化了Spring应用的整个搭建和开发过程。另外Spring Boot通过集成大量的框架使得依赖包的版本冲突,以及引用的不稳定性等问题得到了良好的解决。通过基于Spring Boot框架的Java开发,能够有效的设计出一个拥有销售,客户,市场以及服务等功能齐全的企业客户信息管理系统,既可以减少大量的开发时间,还极大地提高了生产力,为人们的身后带来了很大的便利。

关键词:Spring Boot 企业 客户 管理系统

THEME:Enterprise customer information management system based on spring boot

Abstract: With the progress of society and the prosperity of computer science and technology, an excellent and simple management system can not only bring great convenience to customers#39; daily life, but also improve the efficiency of all aspects of the enterprise to a great extent, and realize the benign development. Spring boot is a new open source lightweight framework developed by pivot team in 2013 and released in April 2014. It not only inherits the original excellent features of spring framework, but also simplifies the whole construction and development process of spring application by simplifying configuration. In addition, spring boot integrates a large number of frameworks to solve the problems of version conflict and reference instability. Through Java development based on spring boot framework, we can effectively design an enterprise customer information management system with complete functions of sales, customer, market and service. It can not only reduce a lot of development time, but also greatly improve the productivity and bring great convenience for people.

Keywords:Spring Boot Enterprise Customer Management system



本次毕业设计开发一款基于Spring Boot的企业客户信息管理系统,系统采用当下流行且高效的Spring Boot框架,相较于Spring框架,Spring Boot减少了很多的样板代码;采用Java语言开发,因其是一种相当简洁的“面向对象”的编程语言,在开发过程中更加有效率;数据存储通过MySQL数据库。最终实现包括客户信息管理功能,市场营销管理功能,销售管理功能以及客户服务功能的企业客户信息管理系统,使企业可持续发展,了解客户的信息状态,创造源源不断的财富。

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