
 2022-03-15 20:23:27

基于Spring Boot的大学生求职管理系统

摘要: 用人单位无人才可用,应届毕业生无工作可找。建立单位和人才的对口渠道,充分释放人才劳动潜能,充分发挥企业公司对人才需求的能动性。让双方各取所需,是重要的工作。搭建一个大学生求职管理系统,让求职者与招聘者高效对口需求。基于计算机技术的服务提高工作效率, 采用SpringBoot框架、MyBatis框架,开发语言选择JAVA,数据库使用MySQL,构想并设计大学生求职管理系统。提供求职者、企业管理者两个用户权限。在最基础的注册账号、登录账号、浏览页面等功能以外,再根据不同用户的不同需求对功能进行划分,为求职者提供完善个人简历、搜寻对口工作等功能,为招聘人员提供管理岗位需求、搜索对口人才等功能。

关键词:Spring Boot,就业,求职管理系统,轻量级框架

THEME:Spring boot, employment, job management system, lightweight framework

Abstract: There is no talent available in the employer, and there is no job for fresh graduates. Establish the corresponding channels for units and talents, fully release the labor potential of talents, and give full play to the initiative of enterprises and companies in demand for talents. It is an important task for both sides to get what they need. Build a college student job management system, so that job seekers and recruiters efficiently meet the needs. Based on the service of computer technology to improve work efficiency, this paper uses springboot framework, mybatis framework, Java as the development language, MySQL as the database, and designs and implements the college students#39; job management system. Designed the resume of job seekers, perfect, and other functions. Then, according to the different needs of different users, the functions are divided to provide two user permissions of job seekers and enterprise managers. Job seekers can improve their resumes and search for corresponding jobs. Recruiters can manage job requirements and search for corresponding talents.

Keywords:Spring boot; job management system




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