摘 要
- 昆虫在不同发育阶段的个体收集,拍照,鉴定。
- 解剖个体发现肠道,刮取肠道壁等方式获得微生物菌群。
- 稀释微生物菌群、涂布平板、挑取较纯单菌落进而分离纯化出真菌的纯净单菌落。
- 根据生长形态以及显微镜观察对真菌进行初步的形态学鉴定,并通过薄层色谱或高效液相指纹色谱进行分子生物学鉴定,最终拍照保存。
- 真菌菌株资源的保藏。
- 对某一些微生物进行小量的发酵培养并开展抗杂草真菌活性。
Isolation of intestinal fungi from insects
In this paper, the isolation and identification of insect intestinal fungi, which have been reported at present, are briefly reviewed and discussed, so as to understand the prospect of intestinal fungi in discovering active secondary metabolites with novel structures. From 10-20 kinds of insects (mainly insects living in soil, humus or plants or at a certain development stage), the subject plans to focus on the fungi in the intestinal tract of larvae or adults, and to separate, identify and screen the intestinal fungi in insects, hoping to find and preserve fungal strains with biological activity (such as inhibiting the growth of weeds or their seed germination), providing valuable strain resources for the analysis and identification of active secondary metabolites.The research contents mainly include:
(1) Collecting, photographing and identifying individuals of insects at different developmental stages.