Nasal delivery of liposomes to the brain文献综述

 2022-12-07 16:30:44

Nasal Delivery of Liposomes to the Brain

Peiying Hua 1241923

Glioblastoma (GBM),the most common malignant brain cancer that mainly occur to adults, claiming nearly 13,000 lives and being newly diagnosed in 18,000 patients per year. GBM patients are reported to have poor prognosis, short medium survival (14 months) and extremely rapid progression. With such short survival time, poor reaction to therapy, torturous and ever deteriorating symptoms, the mental and physical status of patients are both under threaten. Clinical treatment and mental guidance are both needed by all patients.

Treatment for GBM includes surgical therapy, radiotheraphy and chemotherapy. Unluckily, due to the infiltrative nature, the multi-tentacle structure and the closeness to some parts of brain with critical functions, the total resection of GBM is impossible. Whatrsquo;s worse, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also facing problems like high recurrence rate, poor response to therapy and lack of anticancer therapeutic agents that can be efficient enough. Briefly, until now, not a single method has been found to completely cure GBM or even to extend survival to a satisfying extent.

While no satisfying treatment available now, scientists and medical workers are striving for a better therapy for GBM patients. New chemicals and formulations are under development. As is true for all brain tumors, the selectively blocking function of blood brain barrier (BBB) prevents anti-tumor agents from entering the brain or killing tumor cells. To circumvent this barrier, several means have been investigated. One of these methods is intranasal administration, which is expected to directly send drugs into brain via a certain pathway and to escape the impediment of BBB.

Liposomes, one of the most frequently applied drug carriers, could be a promising candidate for intranasal delivery of therapeutic agents to the brain. Successful attempts has already been made to transport therapeutic chemicals to brain for treatment of other diseases with liposomes via nasal administration.

In this study, liposomes loaded with the anti-cancer agent—paclitaxel will be prepared, characterized, and evaluated both invitro and invivio. This formulation is designed to deliver anti-tumor agent to the brain in order to treat brain tumors like GBM.


1 Glioblastoma

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