
 2022-05-04 20:47:34




ABSTRACT:With the gradual shortage of petroleum resources and the increasingly serious pollution caused by non degradable materials, people begin to pay attention to a variety of environmental protection materials, and the research and application of new materials are gradually valued by people, starch based composite is one of them. The main raw material of starch based composite material is starch, which has a wide range of sources and low price. The composite material prepared can be biodegradable, renewable and environmentally friendly. It is a good choice as an alternative to the traditional non degradable material of petrochemical synthesis. In the past research, starch based composite materials have been widely used in food packaging, agriculture, medical industry and light industry. However, due to the characteristics of starch itself, the pyrolysis performance and mechanical properties have some deficiencies, so it is necessary to modify it to improve the physical and chemical properties, so that starch based composite materials can be better used. This paper summarizes the development history and research status of starch based composite materials, makes a comparison, analyzes some problems and challenges that have been encountered and will be faced in the current development of starch based composite materials, and makes a prospect for its future development.

Key words:starch based composite; starch; biodegradation; research status




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