[摘要]啤酒含有多种氨基酸、维生素、低分子糖、无机盐和各种酶,若不经过合理的处理,直接排入水体后,将消耗受纳水体中大量的溶解氧,造成水体缺氧,同时还能促使水体底泥中沉积有机物的释放,进一步加速水质恶化,对水体环境造成严重的危害。因此污水处理厂的建设成为如今环境保护工作的重要一环。目前国内外大多数采用厌氧 好氧优化组合工艺,来达到对啤酒生产废水的最佳处理效果。具体有UASB CASS法、IC CIRCOX法、MIC AO法、水解酸化 接触氧化法等。UASB CASS法即在UASB厌氧生物处理后,UASB反应器出水在CASS反应器内可以通过调节曝气量从而改变反应器的运行方式来得到进一步的处理,进而最大程度地提高UASB反应器出水中有机污染物质的去除效果,保证系统最终出水水质稳定达标。
[关键词]啤酒污水处理厂;发展 ;UASB CASS法
Summary of Brewery Wastewater Treatment Process Design
Abstract:Beer contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, low molecular sugar, inorganic salts and various enzymes. If beer is discharged into the water body without reasonable treatment, it will consume a lot of dissolved oxygen in the receiving water body, resulting in water hypoxia. At the same time, it can also promote the release of organic matter deposited in the sediment, further accelerate the deterioration of water quality and cause serious harm to the water environment. Therefore, the construction of sewage treatment plant has become an important part of environmental protection. At present, most of the domestic and foreign use anaerobic aerobic optimization combination process to achieve the best treatment effect of brewery wastewater. There are UASB CASS method, IC CIRCOX method, MIC AO method, hydrolysis acidification contact oxidation method and so on. UASB CASS process means that after UASB anaerobic biological treatment, UASB reactor effluent can be further treated by adjusting the aeration rate in CASS reactor to change the operation mode of the reactor, so as to maximize the removal effect of organic pollutants in UASB reactor effluent and ensure the final effluent quality of the system to reach the standard.
Keywords:brewery wastewater treatment plant; development; UASB CASS method
啤酒厂生产啤酒过程用水量很大,特别是酿酒、罐装工艺过程大量使用新鲜水,相应产生大量废水。啤酒的生产工艺较多,不同的啤酒厂生产过程中吨酒耗量和水质相差很大。管理和技术水平较高的啤酒厂耗水量为8~12吨,我国啤酒厂的吨酒耗水量一般大于该参数。国内啤酒从糖化到罐装总耗水10~20吨。酿造啤酒消耗的大量水除一部分转入产品外,绝大部分作为工业废水排入环境。啤酒废水主要来自麦芽车间(浸麦废水),糖化车间(糖化,过滤洗涤废水),发酵车间(发酵罐洗涤,过滤洗涤废水),灌装车间(洗瓶,灭菌废水及瓶子破碎流出的啤酒)以及生产用冷却废水等。啤酒工业废水主要含糖类,醇类等有机物,有机物浓度较高,虽然无毒,但易于腐败,排入水体要消耗大量的溶解氧,对水体环境造成严重危害。啤酒废水的水质和水量在不同季节有一定差别,处于高峰流量时的啤酒废水,有机物含量也处于高峰。国内啤酒厂废水中: CODcr含量为: 1500~ 3000mg/L, BOD5含量为: 800~ 1600 mg/L, 该废水具有较高的生物可降解性,且含有一定量的凯氏氮和磷。