
 2022-03-14 20:22:09


[摘要] 我国工业废水污染主要以有机污染为主,屠宰废水是一种非常典型的工业有机废水,水质特点是高有机物浓度、高氨氮浓度、高悬浮物浓度,直接排放对环境造成的危害非常大,由于高浓度有机废水引发的一系 列水体污染、生态环境恶化、威胁人体健康以及阻碍相关工业发展等问题,目前世界各国特别是包括中国在内的发展中国家尤为严重。由于采用常规的废水处理方法难以净化或无法满足净化处理的技术和经济要求,使得这类高浓度有机废水或工业废水的净化处理已成为现阶段国内外环境保护技术领域亟待解决的一个难题。


Summary of Abattoir Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Design

Abstract:Industrial wastewater pollution are mainly composed of organic pollution in our country, slaughter wastewater is a kind of typical industrial organic wastewater, water quality is characterized by high concentration of organic matter, high concentration of ammonia nitrogen, the high concentration of suspended solids, direct discharge of the damage to the environment is very large, because of the high concentration organic wastewater caused a series of water pollution, the deterioration of ecological environment, the threat to human health, and hinder the related issues of industrial development, especially the world, including China, especially in developing countries.Because conventional wastewater treatment methods are difficult to purify or can not meet the technical and economic requirements of purification treatment, the purification treatment of high concentration organic wastewater or industrial wastewater has become an urgent problem in the field of environmental protection technology at home and abroad at present.

Keywords: abattoir wastewater ; development; treatment process


随着时代的进步,人民生活水平提高,2020年人均肉类消费量达29公斤。屠宰场的数量和规模都有了显著的增长,屠宰场废水处理的问题随着定点屠宰制度的全面实施越来越突出,越来越受到人们的重视。出栏猪每头的粪便量接近十公斤每天,按屠宰量约100头来计算,屠宰场产生的废水排放量与一般的小型工业企业不相上下。屠宰废水中含有动物未消化的饲料、粪便、血液 、内脏 、碎肉组织 、骨渣等,富含蛋白质 、脂肪 、纤维和碳水化合物,颜色呈红褐色,悬浮物多,气味腥臭。通过测定屠宰废水中COD、BOD5、SS、氨氮、总氮和总磷等水质指标,发现其含量均较高[13],动植物油和细菌学指标等都不同程度地超过了国家规定的排放标准[3]。屠宰废水中氮的主要存在形式是有机物或铵盐,而磷主要以磷酸盐的形式存在[14],且屠宰 废 水 中 BOD5 / COD gt; 0.5 ,可生化性能好 ,但其中高浓度有机质的处理难度较大。近年来,国内外科研人员也对此进行了一系列的研究,如好氧活性污泥法、废水生化处理法、蛋白质生产工艺、清污分流法等。


2.1 20世纪 50-60年代

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