
 2022-03-10 21:26:25




Summary of Research and Treatment of Wastewater in Pharmaceutical Chemical Industry Park

Abstract:This design project is the third-phase engineering design of Nan#39;an Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. The designed wastewater treatment capacity is 50,000 m3/d per day. Through the design of a wastewater treatment plant with the Carrousel oxidation ditch process as the core of the treatment, the effluent after the designed treatment meets the Pollutant Discharge Standard for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants (GB18918- -2002) Level A standard, to discuss the characteristics, treatment effects, scope of use, advantages and disadvantages of the Carrousel oxidation ditch process, design the composition, structure and process flow of the sewage treatment plant, and design the structure and building Carry out size calculation and orientation layout of objects. In the design, the project will be demonstrated, the design calculation of the main structures and auxiliary buildings, the selection of equipment, the drawing of related engineering drawings and other related work, and finally the design will be completed.

Keywords: Sewage, Coagulating sedimentation,Carrousel oxidation ditch,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal

1. 前言



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