
 2022-03-10 21:25:55




Research and application status of sewage treatment technology at home and abroad

Abstract: Water resources are essential resources for human survival. With the continuous development of human society, the problem of sewage discharge has gradually emerged in the process of urbanization, which is in contradiction with the creation of an environmentally friendly society in my country. In this regard, reasonable treatment of municipal sewage can greatly improve the utilization rate of water resources, avoid urban water waste, and promote the sustainable development of our society. This article introduces the basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of several wastewater treatment processes including UNITANK wastewater treatment process, AAO wastewater treatment process, ultrafiltration wastewater treatment process, AB wastewater treatment process, MBR wastewater treatment process, and biofilm-activated sludge coupling process. Choose the most suitable treatment process according to the water quality characteristics, functional requirements, and stable operation, so as to realize the effective implementation of the park#39;s sewage treatment measures and the reduction of costs.

Keywords: wastewater treatment; ammonia nitrogen; biological treatment

1. 前言


2. 国内外研究和发展现状

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