
 2021-09-25 01:28:49


文 献 综 述浅析自动喷水灭火系统在建筑中的重要性摘 要:在社会生活中,火灾是威胁公共安全、危害人们生命财产的灾害之一。





关键词:建筑消防、建筑给排水、自动喷水灭火系统Abstract: In social life, fire is one of the disaster threat to public safety, endangering people's lives and property. With the rapid development of China's social economy, urbanization, the construction industry has also been considerable development, building height and structural complexity increasing, the importance of building fire increasingly evident. Construction of drainage works to the quality of life of future users have a significant impact, sprinkler systems as a building fire has been widely used. A large number of engineering practice has proved its fire, fire control efficiency. After analyzing a large number of relevant research literature, briefly introduces the development of automatic sprinkler systems; by analyzing the importance of the sprinkler system in the building fire highlighted its irreplaceable status; describes the physical application automatically sprinkler system equipment problems and give some recommendations to improve optimization.Keywords: building fire, building water supply and drainage, sprinkler system随着我国经济的快速发展和城市化、工业化的进程加快,城市高楼建筑数量逐渐增多,对建筑的质量提出了更高的要求。





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