
 2022-07-24 13:51:45

摘 要



关键词:中国元素 儿童家具 收纳家具 家具设计


With the accelerated pace of life, people#39;s lives more and more pressure, take care of the children have less time, but parents still want to give the children all contribute to all things in their healthy growth of cognition, which also led the market constantly with new toys, stationery, books, clothing and a series of derivative products but the child did not finish the level of thinking and consciousness, and everywhere in the house more toy parts home furnishings out of order, but also increased the pressure of parents. If things go on like this, the children will lead to love, extravagance and waste, out of place and other bad habits, so they have included furniture market demand. However, with the development of economy, the improvement of people#39;s living standard, also included furniture branch, Adult supplies and children#39;s products stored together but will increase the amount of clean, most parents and adult furniture is not suitable for children, whether material or size, a series of tragedies on the market a lot of furniture also lead to improper design we have proved that the importance of children#39;s products will be independent of the furniture.


With the spread of western culture, children#39;s contact with fast-paced life is much longer than that of Chinese traditional culture. It can be said that in addition to classroom, children who are exposed to children in everyday life are generally modern. This also leads to fewer children to feel deeply China traditional culture, Japan is the best country in the China inheritance of traditional furniture, even more than the local Chinese, which to some extent also with their education, Japan began to open a Chinese traditional craft curriculum from kindergarten, which laid the foundation for children of the traditional aesthetic the perception of fundamentally, and will gradually have their own opinion and passed down from generation to generation, therefore, application of China elements in children furniture in storage, is also very important. Chinese element is the carrier with a strong China characteristics, showing a unique culture, is from the blood and Chinese traditional classic furniture, traditional furniture elements in modern furniture with modern aesthetic heritage, the traditional furniture element integration and restructuring, to create a rich new Chinese style furniture style and the spirit of national culture. By satisfying the human way of life, improve the quality of human life, with human life, resulting in material, structure and production break the bottleneck

Keywords:Neo-Chinese style Living room furniture furniture design

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