
 2022-07-24 13:43:56


摘 要




Microstructure, chemical composition and crystallinity of bent bamboo


China is the country with the largest bamboo species and the largest bamboo forest in the world. China#39;s natural bamboo forests are mainly distributed in hilly mountain areas and valley plains of 100 ~ 800m above sea level south of the Yangtze River valley. Rapid growth of bamboo, only three or five years to processing and utilization of bamboo widely used, high economic value. Therefore, making full use of bamboo material will play a significant role in the economic development of our country.

Bamboo has a good stiffness, strength and other excellent mechanical properties, is a good engineering materials. Bamboo bending strength, tensile strength than the average wood (soft and hardwood softwood) higher. Due to its excellent bending ability, it is often used as a bending member in furniture and interior decoration. In the production of curved bamboo parts often after microwave heating softening, manual bending and heat drying stereotypes of the process, these processes can have a certain impact on the microstructure and crystallinity of bamboo. The purpose of this study is to compare the microstructure and crystallinity of bent bamboo with the difference between untreated and untreated bamboo to investigate the microstructural changes of bamboo after bending and the change of microstructure with the change of radius of curvature Lay the foundation for the industrialization of bamboo.

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