
 2022-03-11 22:27:14


摘 要




Research on the furniture design of the elderly activity center based on 'nostalgia therapy'


With the development of social economy and the continuous transformation of social structure, the proportion of the elderly groups is increasing, and the proportion of empty nest elderly is on the rise, which has become a very serious social problem.

Because of the lack of care, coupled with the growing loneliness over time, more and more empty nesters have become depression patients or potential patients. Paying attention to the mental health of the elderly, so as to improve their quality of life has become a widespread concern of the community. So far, the development of China#39;s elderly furniture market is still at the stage of media intervention and academic exploration, without a real mature market chain, and there are few furniture that care for the elderly#39;s mental health. 'Nostalgia therapy' is an effective way to prevent, alleviate or even treat depression in the elderly at home and abroad, that is, through guiding the elderly to review their past lives, re experience the fragments of their past lives, and give new interpretations to help the elderly understand themselves, reduce the sense of loss, increase self-esteem and enhance the social treatment process. This topic plans to introduce the basic principle and method of 'nostalgia therapy', and design the activity center furniture which can make the empty nest old people recall their past life consciously or unconsciously, aiming to arouse the old people#39;s recollection of their past life from the senses and using methods through nostalgia design, reduce loneliness and increase social identity.

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