
 2021-12-10 17:35:57

摘 要



Furniture design for people and cats to interact


Design a furniture shared by human and cat to solve space problems while increasing the interaction between the cat and the owner. Method Through user tracking, interview research, and function extraction of existing furniture, it is found that users have extremely high demands on sitting and their demand points; through the study of cat behavior and the analysis of existing human cat interaction methods, spiritual, functional and aesthetic needs are derived. The furniture functions can satisfy the ideal state of the person. When the owner does not want to be disturbed, the cat does not concentrate on the owner. Add position of the cat to the armrests and seats so that the cat is accompanied by the owner and the owner#39;s hand can directly touch the cat; make full use of the space in the lower part of the seat to entertain the cat. When people want to entertain, they can dynamically interact with the cat through furniture. On the aesthetic level, the shape is simple, using wood, white or gray, giving a natural and warm feeling. Use materials that are easy to clean and give a comfortable, non-sticky texture.

Keywords:human; cat; interaction; small-scale households; static; dynamic


1 国内外家庭养宠的现状 1

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