
 2021-12-02 22:35:27

摘 要



Study on Health and Safety Assessment of Desks and Chairs in primary and middle schools


Under the background of attaching great importance to the development of spiritual culture, both at home and abroad attach great importance to education, but neglect the important influence of school desks and chairs. The old and rigid standards are widely used in primary and secondary schools, which can not meet the actual needs of most students, thus reducing students#39; learning efficiency and seriously affecting their healthy development. Through collecting relevant literature, this paper summarizes the current domestic and foreign scholars#39; research on desks and chairs in primary and secondary schools, and understands the various problems existing in the use of desks and chairs in primary and secondary schools at home and abroad, so as to summarize and think about the health impact and safety problems of students in the actual use of desks and chairs in primary and secondary schools.

Key words:School desks and chairs; Safety; Health; Size; Sitting posture

目 录

1. 当下中小学校用课桌椅存在的人类工效学安全隐患 1

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