
 2022-06-28 23:05:44



关键词:湿地 城市湿地公园 生态设计规划 湿地保护利用

Planning and design of Maanshan quarry Wetland Park


The purpose of this project is to study the re-plan and renewal design of wetland in the process of urban development, to better play the role of 'patch', and to promote the establishment of multi-functional green open space network. The balance point between protection and development shall be found under the conditions of meeting the natural ecological environment of wetland, maintaining the biodiversity of the city, and not damaging the natural characteristics and natural succession of wetland, so as to realize its ecological value, landscape value, recreation value, science popularization value and economic value, and to create a theme A new type of Urban Wetland Park of nature, nature, ecology and region.

Keywords:Wetland;Urban Wetland Park;Ecological design planning; Wetland protection and utilization


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