
 2022-03-27 07:03



Abstract: Ecological park (Ecopark) refers to a new type of urban park established under the guidance of ecology and ecological culture and combining the characteristics of traditional urban park and theme park (man-made landscape), which is a historical stage of park development. As an indispensable green foundation design for cities, parks play a positive and important role in ecological environment, economic development and social psychology, and are an important guarantee and support for urban sustainable development. The popular science landscape in the ecological park not only needs to keep dynamic balance with the urban ecological environment, but also needs to be updated with the progress of science and technology. Its sustainable development and education have endowed ecological park with more perfect functions, which can meet people#39;s growing spiritual and cultural needs from both physical and mental levels, enhance people#39;s awareness of ecological environment protection, and plant seeds in the hearts of the next generation to live in harmony with nature. Urban ecological parks started late and developed slowly in Less than ten years in China, and the construction of popular science sites in China is relatively backward. Therefore, the scientific nature and rationality of the construction content need to be further discussed and studied.

Key words: Urban Ecological Park; Science popularization education; Landscape design; Wenquan town,Lianyungang city



连云港位于中国沿海中部,江苏省东北部,境内山海齐观,平原、大海、高山齐全,河湖、丘陵、滩涂、湿地、海岛俱备。地势由西北向东南倾斜,形如一只飞向海洋的彩蝶。连云港处于暖温带南部,常年平均气 温14℃,历年平均降水量920多毫米,常年无霜期为220天。主导风向为东南风。由于受海洋的调节,气候类型为湿润的季风气候,略有海洋性气候特征。四季分明,冬季寒冷干燥,夏季高温多雨。光照充足,雨量适中。境内名山荟萃、胜迹汇聚, 优越的自然条件形成了秀美的景观, 它拥有众多国家级风景名胜区及著名的旅游景点景区。连云港市依山傍海, 具备营造人居环境优美的现代化山海城市景观的潜质。


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