
 2022-07-20 03:07




Study on Evaluation method of Forest Landscape Resources

Abstract: based on the evaluation methods of forest landscape resources, the concepts of forest landscape resources and forest landscape resources evaluation are introduced, and the characteristics of 8 forest landscape resources evaluation methods are introduced in detail. Various evaluation methods are compared from concepts, advantages and disadvantages. The results show that the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the factor description method and the scoring method are widely used, and the evaluation results will be obviously different with the different evaluation methods. When evaluating forest landscape resources, we should analyze the specific problems of different forest types and select appropriate methods for forest landscape resources evaluation, which should not only be focused on the present, but also should be based on the present. The future development trend of forest landscape resources can be predicted.

Keywords: forest landscape resources; evaluation methods; forest management

森林以其丰富的自然景观、良好的生态环境、诱人的野趣及独特的保健功能,吸引着众多的游客【1】。而森林景观资源是森林旅游业、森林游憩业可持续发展的物质基础和森林旅游 生产力的源泉【2】,对森林景观进行评价,是搞好林业生产经营的有效措施。可以使潜在的森林资源优势转化为以森林为主的旅游产业优势,改变传统的林业经营模式【3】。

随着森林旅游业的进一步发展,森林景观资源得以大规模的开发和利用,这势必对景观资源产生了一定的破坏。为了使森林景观资源在开发的过程中得到合理的利用和保护,就有必要对森林进行景观或美学价值评价。一方面,可以从中了解不同森林景观类型的现状,提出相应的经营对策:另一方面,定期地进行风景美学等级评价,可以了解风景林景观质量的动态变化;对过去的风景林经营效果做出评价,并制定正确的经营决策和有效的经营措施【 4】。森林景观资源资源评价体系的建立,是克服盲目性、增强开发利用科学性的重要手段,同时也保证了森林旅游业的可持续发展,使森林资源为人类带来尽可能大的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益【3】。

1 森林景观资源

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