
 2022-08-10 02:08




Directional flattened bamboo laminated lumber manufacturing and performance research

Abstract: Bamboo is a kind of environment-friendly and recyclable green building materials. However, the small size and low stiffness of the original bamboo restrict its popularization and application. At present, bamboo products are widely used in interior and exterior decoration, furniture, appliances, paper products, but there is still a great space for development in building structures and Bridges. Because of its simple process, low cost, large size and excellent mechanical properties, flattened bamboo board is suitable for the manufacture of integrated materials for building structure. Firstly, the development status of bamboo industry is introduced, and the trend of developing bamboo unit from bamboo slice to bamboo spread flat plate is pointed out. Then from the manufacture technology, properties and application of bamboo spreading plate, the broad prospect of flattened bamboo board used in building structural materials is revealed. Finally, the research progress of directional bamboo laminated lumber was introduced, and the route of manufacturing directional flattened bamboo laminated lumber by one-step molding process was put forward.

Keywords: flattened bamboo board; building material; laminated lumber; manufacture technology; mechanical property


当前我国的森林总资源相对不足、质量较低且分布不均,因此,国内的木材资源供应紧张,优质木材依赖进口。在此背景之下,寻求优质的木材替代品并加以开发利用显得十分重要。我国地处世界竹子分布的中心,竹子有40 余属,500 余种,面积达673 万hm2,占世界竹子资源的1/3[1]。竹子生长周期短,产量高,种植难度低,一次成功造林便可长期利用。同时,竹材色泽柔和、纹理美观、手感舒适,还具有韧性好、强度高、硬度大等的优异物理力学性能,这些特点都让竹材有了工程应用的可能。


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