
 2022-03-17 07:03




Design and performance of children#39;s amusement facilities in wooden structure park

Abstract: The development of children is achieved in games. Children prefer games, and games are accompanied by entertainment. Any child is immersed in the entertainment of games, and games seem to have become a part of their daily lives. In this process, children are already developing unknowingly. Children are the future of the country and the key to the quality of the population and the development of society. The development of early children will affect the tendency of education, physical and mental health in adulthood. Therefore, caring for and creating a good environment for children#39;s growth is the responsibility of society and the responsibility of designers. Most of the knowledge and experience in childhood are obtained through games and entertainment, which are extremely important in the growth and development of children. In the public environment, especially outdoor children#39;s amusement facilities are different from children#39;s personal toys. It can create a favorable environment for children#39;s comprehensive development, including physical environment, psychological environment and entertainment environment. Aiming at the current situation of children#39;s playground design, designers#39; general attitudes, concepts and ideas, etc., put forward new development concepts.

Key words: Amusement equipment; children; characteristics

1 课题提出的背景


同时专家研究表明,我国的儿童肥胖率正在赶超美国。更有相关研究指出,中国有 12% 的儿童体重超标,中国青少年患糖尿病的比例相当于美国同龄人的 4 倍;在不满 17 岁的青少年儿童中,有1/3的孩子至少潜在一种心脑血管危险因素。若想解决此类问题,单纯从饮食习惯方面入手是远远不够的,更要鼓励儿童参与户外运动。[3]

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