
 2022-03-17 19:41:06


摘 要:我国木结构行业正处于迅速发展中。木构件开裂现象难以避免,这一现象直接影响整个建筑的安全性。目前国内外尚无既不影响构件外观又同时满足强度要求的材料和技术。本课题将对碳纤维浆料的基本性质、其与木构件裂纹结合的效果以及修复后的木构件的性能进行研究。这一研究对木构件的加固以、木结构行业的发展以及古建筑保护有重要意义。


Repair and Evaluation of Cracks in Wood Components

Abstract: The timber construction industry in China is developing rapidly. It is hard to avoid the cracking of wooden components, which directly affects the safety of the whole construction. Currently, at home and abroad, there is no material or technology that meets not only the requirement of appearance but also the requirement of strength. This paper will study the basic properties of CFRP slurry, the effect of its combination with the crack of wooden components and the performance of the repaired components. This research is of great significance to the reinforcement of timber components, the development of timber structure industry and the protection of ancient buildings.

Keywords : wooden components; cracks; Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer/Plastic

1 前言

1.1 木结构建筑的发展

中国的传统建筑以木构架为主,早在原始社会新石器时期就已出现用木架和草泥建造的简单穴居和半穴居,并在此基础上发展出抬梁式、穿斗式、井干式等形式,其中抬梁式使用范围较为广泛。[1] 中国传统建筑是世界建筑史上的瑰宝,并对多国如日本、韩国、越南的建筑样式产生了影响。但近代以来,受战争、自然灾害和木材资源限制等因素影响,传统的建筑及工艺技术走向式微,钢筋混凝土结构和钢结构成为国内建筑的主要形式。在美国、加拿大和日本,现代木结构发展应用较为普遍,处于主导地位,形成了以轻型木结构、胶合木结构和木混结构为代表的结构形式,在桥梁、户外建筑小品、休闲旅游等领域也得到广泛应用。

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