
 2022-03-11 22:34:32




Experimental study on the connection performance of bamboo wood inclined screws

Self tapping screw plays an important role in the connection of building structure with its good mechanical properties. Compared with wood, bamboo has a higher ratio of strength to weight. Therefore, the combination of self tapping screws and reconstituted bamboo plates to strengthen the spliced timber beams has great potential in bearing capacity. The mechanical properties of the self tapping screw recombined bamboo board splicing beam depend on the connection performance of the self tapping screw recombined bamboo board. The establishment of the mechanical model of the self tapping screw recombined bamboo board connection is very important for the study of the bending mechanical properties of the splicing beam. In this project, the influence of the diameter, angle and quantity of self tapping screws on the mechanical properties of the connection between self tapping screws and reconstituted bamboo board was studied.

1 前言


2 研究背景

2.1 竹材

竹材是一种天然材料,除了绿色环保外,还具有相当好的力学性能,就强度和成本而言,竹子被认为是自然界中效能最高的材料。竹材的抗拉强度约为木材的2倍,抗压强度约为木材的115倍,竹材的比强度高于木材和普通钢材[1]。竹材自身优良的力学性能非常适合于开发成建筑结构用材。和木材一样,竹材也可以通过加工制作成性能更加优良的材料,拓宽其用途,例如竹材人造板和重组竹。重组竹是将竹材小径级材、枝丫材等低质材,经辗搓设备加工为横向不断裂、纵向松散而交错相连的竹束,然后干燥、施胶、组坯、热压而成的板状或其他形状的竹质人造复合材料[2]。重组竹横纹径向全部抗压强度比杉木等木材高3~19 倍;横纹径向局部抗压强度分别高5~26倍;弦向抗压强度也分别比6种木材高6倍甚至20 倍。重组竹纵向与横向抗压强度差异远远小于落叶松等木材。落叶松等木材纵向抗压强度为横向抗压强度的3~21倍,是典型的各向异性材料,而重组竹仅为1~3倍,这表明重组竹比它们更适合用于双向复合受力场合[3]。重组竹具有强度高、规格大、保持天然竹材纹理结构的特点,作为建筑结构材料具有良好的前景。

2.2 自攻螺钉

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