
 2022-03-04 23:22:23

摘 要:近年来,随着越来越多建筑设计侧重于考虑建筑与环境的融合和可持续性,木结构建筑的优势得以显现,其发展前景被许多人所看好。同时在国家对生态文明建设高度重视的大背景下,诸多园林生态景观工程被投入建造,亭在园林中是相当重要的赏景、构景的建筑,其中在江浙一带,又以木结构仿古景观亭为主的古典园林风格为佳。通过以现代材料和木构手法,融合江南园林特征来进行一个双层仿古景观亭设计,并达到结构意义上的坚固稳定。


Abstract: In recent years, with more and more architecture design focus on the integration and sustainability of architecture and environment, the advantages of wood structure architecture appear, and its development prospects are favored by many people. At the same time, against the background that the State attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization, many garden ecological landscape projects have been put into construction. Pavilions are very important buildings for appreciating and constructing landscapes in gardens, among which in the areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the classical garden style with the Wooden Structure Imitating the ancient landscape pavilion as the main part is preferred. Through the use of modern materials and wood construction techniques, combining the characteristics of Jiangnan Gardens to design a two-tier Antique Landscape Pavilion, and to achieve structural sense of firm and stable.

Keywords: Timber Structure, Landscape Pavilion, design, structural design, double layer






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