
 2022-03-04 23:20:16



Abstract: Midply is a kind of light wood frame construction shear wall with excellent performance. Hold-down is set at the bottom of the end stud of the midply, and mainly plays a role of restraining the end stud from uplifting, so as to avoid the wall from large lateral displacement and collapse. Hold-down also has a greater impact on the lateral force resistance of the wall, especially in the bearing capacity change of the midply after it enters the plastic deformation stage due to a large number of nail connections. When the midply reaches its ultimate bearing capacity, the end wall studs are prone to breakage at the hold-down. Since the conventional hold-down is often fixed on one side of the end stud, when it is pulled up to a certain extent, the restraint provided by the hold-down is an eccentric tension state relative to the end stud, Which in turn causes the tension and bending fracture of the end studs. This project intends to propose a new type of hold-down, in order to avoid the bending moment caused by the hold-down anchor on the end wall stud and effectively improve the fracture damage of the end wall stud.

Key words: Midply; Timber structure; Hold-downs




1998年,Varoglu E.等人提出了一种新颖的剪力墙设计理念,其方法是:通过钉连接将木基结构板夹在两侧的墙骨柱之间固定,得到一种高性能木剪力墙。2008年,Chun Ni, Maurizio Follesa等人对夹板剪力墙体的抗震设计参数进行了评估。提出了夹板剪力墙在北美木结构设计规范中的应用方式。结果认为夹板剪力墙和普通剪力墙的层间位移峰值的累积分布相似;且以采用普通剪力墙为基准,该研究表明针对夹板墙体的延性相关系数取Rd=3时,可以达到与普通剪力墙体系相同的安全水准。2010年,Pei Shiling, van de Lindt等人对2009年6月在日本开展的六层足尺轻木房屋的振动台试验表明在多层木结构房屋中应用该种墙体时,需采要大量锚固连接来承受其抗倾覆力矩。Erol Varoglu, Erol Karacabeyli等人对2.44mtimes;2.44m尺寸的midply剪力墙进行了一系列拟静力试验和单调荷载试验.将midply的试验结果与传统木剪力墙的抗侧性能进行了比较,认为midply剪力墙的抗侧承载能力是普通木剪力墙的三倍. 但也提到,midply剪力墙的端部锚固需加强,以承受较强的抗拔力。


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