
 2022-03-16 22:53:00




关键词:单细胞测序 RNA-Seq 差异表达分析方法

THEME: Differential gene analysis based on single cell RNA-Seq sequencing data

Abstract: There are great differences in cell types, states and interactions among human tissues. Single cell RNA sequencing technology provides a method to observe gene expression at the single cell level, which can better study the causes of various diseases caused by gene differential expression between the same cells, so as to find a solution. Single cell RNA sequencing is a powerful and profound method to analyze gene expression from single cell level. With the development of single cell RNA sequencing technology, more and more sequencing methods appear, followed by differential expression analysis methods of single cell sequencing data, which can be divided into three categories: traditional hypothesis testing methods, differential expression analysis methods for bulk data, and differential expression methods for single cell data. In order to find the most suitable method for differential expression analysis, we will select five most popular methods from these three categories, namely DEsinle、SigEMD、SCDE、DESEq2、and edgeR. The advantages and disadvantages of these five methods are analyzed, and which occasions are applicable respectively.To compare which differential expression analysis method is most suitable for the same single cell data set

Keywords: Single cell sequencing RNA-Seq Differential expression analysis


单细胞测序技术是在2000年代后期取得重大突破之后才被广泛应用开来,取代了微阵列。无论是传统的bulk RNA-Seq还是scRNA-Seq,差异表达分析是比较两组不同样本集中的基因表达信息异同的基本方法。可以获得一组样本相对于另一组样本的基因表达显著上调(up-regulated)和显著下调(down-regulated),从而进一步研究这些差异表达基因的功能。由于单细胞测序技术的局限性,单细胞测序数据一般都具有高噪音,有较高的dropout问题,即很大一部分的低表达或中度表达的基因无法有效检测到。所以,以前针对传统多细胞转录组测序数据开发的差异表达检测方法或软件不一定完全适用于单细胞测序数据,若想比较不同亚型或不同条件下的细胞表达差异,为了得到可靠结果,需要选择一个好的差异表达分析方法。



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