
 2022-03-14 20:01:41




关键词:Bug管理 测试 系统

THEME:Small team Bug management system based on SpringBoot

Abstract: At present, the customer#39;s cognition of a software enterprise is greatly affected by the service, among which the service of the software industry mainly involves two aspects: software requirement tracking and Bug tracking management. Bug tracking is an important embodiment of high quality software. Such a process can not only better reduce costs, reduce unnecessary expenses, but also improve efficiency and quality.

A good company must have a complete management system, which must contain a set of project testing process and corresponding Bug management system. After the completion of a part of the project, the main task is to test it by the tester and find out the Bug to be repaired by the developer. Because of the huge labor cost, but the document is too cumbersome, people think of the system by manpower, and the Bug management system is born. This design aims at the above process management problems, based on the SpringBoot technology design and development of auxiliary management tools Bug management system, to achieve Bug management Discovery and submission, problem allocation and follow-up, and Bug re-inspection and deletion functions.

Keywords:Bug Management Testing System


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