1000 m3d乡镇污水处理厂工艺设计文献综述

 2022-06-25 22:51:10


本设计是对某乡镇污水处理厂的设计。其日处理量为1000t/d,进水水质为:COD 290mg/L、BOD 155mg/L、SS 90mg/L、NH2-N 27mg/L、TP 4mg/L、pH 6~7。处理后的水质要求为:CODle;50mg/L 、BODle;10mg/L、SS le;10mg/L、NH2-Nle;5mg/L、TPle;0.5mg/L、PH 6~7。




关键字: 格栅、 经济效益、 A2/O、 好氧池、 厌氧池、 二沉池


This design is a town sewage treatment plant design. The daily treatment capacity is 1000t / D, and the influent water quality is cod 290mg / L, BOD 155mg / L, SS 90mg / L, nh2-n 27mg / L, TP 4mg / L, pH 6-7. After treatment, the water quality requirements are: cod le; 50mg / L, BOD le; 10mg / L, SS le; 10mg / L, nh2-n le; 5mg / L, TP le; 0.5mg/l, pH 6 ~ 7.

According to the design requirements, considering that the average nitrogen content of the influent water in the wastewater treatment project is high, while removing BOD and SS, denitrification is also required, so A2 /O process in the water treatment process is adopted. Due to different environmental conditions, organic coordination of microbial communities with different functions, and anaerobic and anoxic conditions, part of the non biodegradable organics can be broken or broken, so that N, P and organic carbon can be removed at the same time, and the removal effect of non degradable organics can be improved. It can remove organic matter, nitrification, denitrification, excessive uptake of phosphorus and other functions at the same time. The premise of denitrification is that nh2-n should be completely nitrated, aerobic tank can complete this function, and anoxic tank can complete the denitrification function. The anaerobic tank and aerobic tank jointly complete the phosphorus removal function.

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