
 2022-08-10 14:02:06



摘 要


关键词:塑木材料 环保 挤出成型 工艺流程 物料守恒

Annual output of 5, 000 tons of PVC plastic wood landProduct Line Design


Plastic wood material is a gradually developed in recent years of a new type of environmental protection green composite material , it has the impact resistance of wood and plastic and high hardness mechanical properties and corrosion resistance , waterproof chemical performance advantages , is easy to produce , high yield , easy to industrialization , meet the current lack of global resources , can meet peoples increasing demand for use , is a good new material instead of wood .PVC plastic wood is one of the most commonly used plastic wood , very excellent performance , cheap raw materials prices , and very wide sources , has a broad domestic and foreign market prospects , which has considerable commercial value .This posed in this design To produce a production line of PVC plastic wood flooring materials, extrusion molding is used to produce PVC plastic wood flooring with an annual output of up to 5000 tons. Firstly, the formula of PVC plastic wood is diversified, the process flow scheme of detailed production process is designed. After that, it is necessary to calculate the material conservation of the target product with an annual output of 5000 tons. Finally, as a green material, environmentally friendly and sustainable The problem of continuous development must also be carefully solved, and the proper treatment of production waste and the discharge of waste according to the relevant national standards are also one of the problems to be considered in this design. To sum up, from the overall workshop production line for all aspects of the detailed design.

Key words:conservation of materials in environmental protection extrusion process

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