
 2022-08-10 13:54:41






Synthetic resin impregnated veneer is used for the veneer of wood furniture. It has good wear resistance. It not only meets the decorative and material requirements of precious solid wood on the surface of the floor, but also avoids the lack of wear resistance caused by direct veneer. Product deformation, plastic penetration, bubbling and layering and other quality defects, have a good application prospects, can be used in floors, furniture and other places that need to be decorated with wood veneers. At present, the inspection of impregnated veneer products is mostly after the production of these products, they are tested for various properties, and then the process parameters such as the drying temperature and drying time are adjusted. The cost is high, the time is long, and it is wasteful, and it is not accurate. Obtaining the best drying temperature and time needs to be improved.

In this study, through the DMA test, through the dynamic changes of the mechanical properties of impregnated veneer, the change information of the resin can be obtained indirectly, and the change state of the resin under different temperature (time) conditions can be obtained, that is, the loss modulus, storage modulus and loss system can be obtained. Count three important parameters. In the process of continuous temperature increase, the continuous change curve of these three parameters is obtained. Therefore, we refer to current scholars literature and research on various processes of impregnating thin wood with synthetic resin.


薄木皮,包括天然薄木皮和再生装饰木皮,通常用于装饰人造板和产品的表面。传统的薄单板覆面工艺需要在覆面和油漆装饰上添加粘合剂,这很麻烦,有机挥发物的释放会造成长期的室内空气污染。因此,近年来,树脂浸渍的薄单板已被广泛使用。作为一种新型的高档装饰材料。作为一种新型装饰材料,连续性和大尺寸是树脂浸渍薄单板工业生产和应用的关键问题。三聚氰胺甲醛树脂(MF)树脂浸渍纸工业生产线,将合成树脂浸渍在改性装饰贴面上。改性装饰单板的连续浸渍工艺,并对浸渍前后装饰单板表面的微观形貌进行了比较。研究了热压温度,热压时间,热压压力等热压工艺参数,制备了浸渍树脂的再生装饰贴面。通过观察组织外观,发现树脂浸渍的重组单板具有明显的浸渍质量,与浸渍纸相似。研究了树脂浸渍薄单板覆盖的胶合板,刨花板和纤维板基材的表面粘结强度。结果表明,预浸渍的薄单板可广泛应用于此类木材复合板,其表面粘结强度为它们高于1 MPa,其中,覆层纤维板具有最高的表面粘合强度,其次是覆层胶合板。还需要通过测试表面粘合强度来研究浸渍树脂的薄胶纸的储存耐久性,结果表明浸渍树脂的薄胶合板具有显着的储存耐久性。与在室温下储存的浸渍树脂的薄单板相比,在低温下储存的浸渍树脂的薄单板更加耐用。优化的热压工艺参数为温度为180-190℃,压力为80-100 s,压力为2 MPa。以上结果证明,连续生产大尺寸树脂浸渍单板是可行的。

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