
 2022-07-25 12:56:12




A Survey of the Development of Industrial Robots

140302114 Lu Xuming

Instructor Zhu Yinlong

Abstract: Industrial robots generally refer to some actions that can be used to simulate human hands in an industrial manufacturing environment. According to pre-set procedures, trajectories, and other work requirements, automated devices that grab, carry, or operate tools are implemented. Industrial robot basically consists of four parts: actuator, drive system, position detection device and control system. The performance index of the robot can include degrees of freedom, working range, load, maximum working speed, and accuracy profile. With the development of science, industrial robots have been researched and developed for three generations in total, and they are constantly moving toward automation and intelligence. YuMu Robots announces the advent of a new era of human-machine collaboration.

Keywords: industrial manufacturing; automated devices; degrees of freedom; intelligence; human-machine collaboration.


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