
 2021-12-12 22:17:13





Preparation and characterization of BSA/o-HA/Aunanomaterials


Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is a simple protein found in bovine serum. It is the main component of blood (38 g / 100 ml). Albumin consists of 581 amino acid residues, of which 35 cysteines form 17 disulfide bonds and free sulfhydryl groups are present at position 34 of the peptide chain. . Although most of the serum components are known, some of them are not known. The known components in bovine serum albumin are proteins, peptides, hormones, amino acids, glucose, keto acids and other nutrients. Hyaluronic acid (HA) belongs to an acidic polysaccharide substance, which is mainly used in medicine, food and cosmetics. In such fields, the average relative molecular mass usually exceeds 1 x 106. Gold nanoparticles are tiny particles of gold ranging in diameter from 1 nm to 100 nm. They have good stability, quantum effects, surface effects, macroscopic quantum tunneling, optical effects, and special biocompatibility.

Key words:BSA;HA;Nano Gold


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